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Working environment

Aalborg University's most important resource is its employees. Employee well-being is a crucial element in achieving the university's goals and development. Well-being, safety, and health consist of many elements, but a good working environment is something we create together. We are each other's working environment. On this page, you can read more about the work environment efforts at the university

Working environment

Aalborg University's most important resource is its employees. Employee well-being is a crucial element in achieving the university's goals and development. Well-being, safety, and health consist of many elements, but a good working environment is something we create together. We are each other's working environment. On this page, you can read more about the work environment efforts at the university

AAU aims to enhance well-being and maintain a healthy work environment where everyone can develop with the support of the community.

A safe, secure, and healthy work and learning environment is crucial for the university's development and productivity, as well as for the well-being and motivation of both employees and students.

The concepts of work environment and learning environment (also called study environment) cover physical factors such as indoor climate, ergonomics, chemical influences, and accident risks, as well as psychological factors such as workload, time pressure, and social relations between colleagues.

In Denmark, the Working Environment Act sets rules for how employers and employees must collaborate to develop a safe and healthy work environment with guidance from labor market organizations and supervision and control from the Danish Working Environment Authority.

Similarly, the Learning Environment Act regulates how pupils and students must participate in and collaborate with the management of educational institutions to provide a good learning environment with guidance and supervision from the Danish Centre for Educational Environment.

The Working Environment Section

At Aalborg University, a central Working Environment Section (Danish abbreviation: AMS) has been established to support all departments with advice and guidance. This is done on the mandate of the university's top management - in collaboration with the Main Working Environment Committee (HAMiU) and the Main Cooperation Committee (HSU).

AMS includes development consultants in the HR department, who work with organizational and social working environment, and working environment specialists in Campus Service (CAS), who work with physical, chemical, and biological working environment - as well as emergency preparedness. Through AMS, the two departments collaborate on a number of joint tasks, including the implementation of internal AAU rules and procedures regarding the working environment - such as periodic workplace assessments (APV), working environment organization, and the simultaneous election of health and safety representatives, among others.

If you need to contact the Working Environment Section, you can do so by writing to the section's shared mailbox: arbejdsmiljoesektion@adm.aau.dk.

Efforts for a Good Learning Environment

The working environment of employees and the learning environment of students are two sides of the same coin. Just as a good working environment should help make the university an attractive workplace for all employees, a good learning environment should be an attractive framework for all students' educational activities and other student life.

Read more about student life and well-being - and how you as a student at AAU can help influence the development of the learning environment at the university: Student Life and Well-being.