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Workplace assessment - WPA

At AAU, we use a Workplace Assessment (WPA) concept where dialogue is central to the systematic approach to the working environment. The WPA concept emphasizes dialogue between managers and employees, as it is through these conversations that the foundation for positive changes is created.

WPA Annual Cycle

Workplace assessment - WPA

At AAU, we use a Workplace Assessment (WPA) concept where dialogue is central to the systematic approach to the working environment. The WPA concept emphasizes dialogue between managers and employees, as it is through these conversations that the foundation for positive changes is created.

WPA Annual Cycle

Workplace Assessment (WPA)

AAU, as an employer, is legally obligated to conduct an assessment of the work environment and ensure that the assessment is updated whenever changes occur in work, work methods, or processes that may impact the work environment.

At AAU, this is done partly by periodically conducting an WPA process in all institutes and departments and partly by carrying out supplementary WPA processes locally when conditions in individual institutes or departments necessitate it.

Follow the link to the WPA Annual Cycle to learn more about what a general WPA process entails and what is included in the systematic work environment efforts throughout the year.

Special WPAs

In addition to the general WPAs, where all employees participate in a dialogue about the work environment, WPAs must also be conducted with a focus on working conditions that involve specific and serious risks.

These WPAs require special content and methods. You can read more about this in the sections below.

Overview of Special WPAs