The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet)

The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet)

Inspections by the Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet)
It is in Aalborg University's interest to maintain a constructive dialogue with the Danish Working Environment Authority at all institutes and departments.
Through this dialogue, AAU's institutes and departments receive valuable input that helps ensure the ongoing work environment efforts have the right focus and lead to satisfactory results for the benefit of all AAU employees.
Therefore, inspections by the Working Environment Authority are welcome at AAU.
Good Advice
The Work Environment Section has created a brochure with useful advice regarding visits from the Working Environment Authority.
To get the best benefit from inspections, it is important that all leaders and employees are familiar with the role and methods of the Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) and that they are as prepared as possible when the authority visits.
Therefore, use these good advice to understand how AAU's institutes or departments should prepare for a visit from the Working Environment Authority and what to expect after the authority has conducted its inspection.